41 29.262° N / 081 50.085° W
41 29.262° N / 081 50.085° W

How to get to CYC?

By Land: Situated in Rocky River, CYC is located 1/4 mile north of the intersection of Detroit and Wooster Roads. Follow Yacht Club Drive to the right and cross over the Bridge to the Guardhouse.

By Lake: Settled at the mouth of the river, the Rocky River Outer Range Light entrance is located at latitude 41 29.514 degrees N by longitude 081 50.338 degrees W.

To confirm your reservation, as you approach the CYC harbor, call the Gas Dock on VHF Channel 9 or 16 and identify yourself. You will be assigned a slip and dock attendants will be dispatched to guide and assist in docking.

Visiting yachtsmen are required to register and obtain a CYC Guest Card for use during their visit. Guest cards and welcome packages are issued at the Gas Dock.